Lord Lucan Disappearance ‘Solved’: Missing Gentleman Gambler and Murder Suspect ‘Dead Ringer’ for Aussie Buddhist

Facial recognition experts trust they have solved the long-suffering closed book surrounding the whereabouts of British people professional person risk taker and suspected murderer Lord Lucan.

Hassan Ugail, Professor of Visual Computing at the University of Bradford, England, says the missing-presumed-dead patrician appears to be rattling much alive. He claims his world-leading AI photo analysis technology has identified that Lucan and an 87-year-old living inward Brisbane, Australia, are the same man, or they are superposable twins.

Lucan, good nominate Richard St. John the Apostle Bingham, 7th Earl of Lucan, disappeared inwards 1974. That’s after he allegedly after bludgeoned his children’s nanny, Sandra Rivett, to death at his place inward Belgravia, an upmarket capital of the United Kingdom district. Scotland Yard investigators believe it was a pillow slip of mistaken identity, and his intended target was his wife.

Lucan’s railway car was later found inward Newhaven, a ferry larboard on England’s in the south coast, its interior varnished with blood. Its possessor had disappeared without a trace.

Cluedo Mystery

Detectives found triad cards from the board biz Cluedo inwards the car: “Colonel Mustard,” “the take piping,” and “the hall.”

Lucan, a hard mustached ex-military man, caliber a departure resemblance to the Cluedo character. Meanwhile, a piece of guide piping was the arm used inwards Rivett’s murder. And while the victim’s body was found inward the kitchen of the Lucans’ home, in that location was a large amount of blood inward the hall, suggesting this is where the sidesplitting may have taken place.

Few crimes have captured the imaginativeness of the Brits public as Rivett’s bump off and Lucan’s subsequent disappearance. Hundreds of unsubstantiated sightings of the scalawag earl feature been reported around the world.

Lucan was officially presumed deadened in 1992 and declared de jure deadened inward 1999, allowing his son, George, to inherit his title.

‘Never Been Wrong’

Ugail claims his identification technology has “never been wrong.” It was used to describe the II Russian agents responsible for(p) for intoxication the former spy, Sergei Skripal, and his daughter inwards Salisbury, England.

It also identified iii men linked to the slaying of journalist Jamal Khashoggi inwards 2018 at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, and it helped reveal an alleged Nazi state of war outlaw utmost year.

“[The photos] produced a match. This isn’t an opinion, it’s science and mathematical fact,” Ugail said. “We can at present support things that would make been unimaginable just fin years ago. We’ve compared thousands and thousands of people and at that place hold been literally millions of photos that we’ve analyzed using the algorithm.

“People of different ethnicities, different ages – the only clip it testament go wrong is if you place inwards indistinguishable twins. It only takes a few minutes to bleed it and it comes rear with a pct – a ‘similarity index,’” he explained.

Face-Match, Age-Match

The whodunit senior citizen in Brisbane is the same age as Lucan would be. He is “a Buddhist” who antecedently lived in Nepal before coming to Australia, where he “moved from domiciliate to house,” according to The Daily Mail.

He was tracked shoot down by Rivett’s son, Neil Berriman, who has devoted his life to finding his mother’s killer. It’s unclear what led Berriman to the adult male inward Brisbane.

The Aston Martin-driving Lucan frequented illegal gaming houses for the wealthy in Belgravia and Mayfair until gambling casino gaming was legalized inwards the UK in 1964. With John Aspinall, he was a founding member of Mayfair’s sole(a) Claremont Club casino, where baccarat was his gritty of choice.

He was known past his gaming friends as “Lucky.”