Washington State Casino Unprovoked Stabbing Leaves Man Dead

A suspect was apprehended William Ashley Sunday morn after he allegedly fatally slashed a stranger privileged Auburn, Wash.’s Muckleshoot Casino Resort. The assailant and would-be victim didn’t know each other before the surmise snuck upwards to the dupe from behind, spell he was standing at a gaming table.…

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Las Vegas Strip Stabbing: Two Dead, Six Injured – Breaking

Two people were killed and half-dozen to a greater extent were injured after a wounding lash out on the Las Vegas Strip Thursday morning. Las Vegas constabulary are investigating the incident, which was reported around 11:42 a.m. inward the 3100 city block of S. Las Vegas Blvd., which…

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Las Vegas Strip Stabbing: Two Dead, Six Injured – Breaking

Two people were killed and at least sextet to a greater extent were injured after a wounding tone-beginning on the Las Vegas Strip Th morning. Las Vegas constabulary are investigating the incident, which was reported around 11:42 a.m. inwards the 3100 cube of S. Las Vegas Blvd., which…

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